Welcome to Seal Quest, a groundbreaking project dedicated to recording and identifying unique seal individuals from Greece and the UK using software (Wildbook). Through advanced research and collaboration, Seal Quest aims to shed light on the lives of these fascinating marine mammals and contribute to their conservation.
- Record and document individual seals to better understand their behavior, movement patterns, and population dynamics.
- Identify and track unique individuals using advanced tagging and monitoring techniques.
- Collaborate with researchers, conservationists, and the public to raise awareness about seal conservation issues and promote responsible stewardship of our marine ecosystems.
Project Overview:
- Recording: We employ state-of-the-art technology, including drones, and underwater cameras, to record seal behavior and habitat use in both Greece and the UK, without disturbing them.
- Identification: Through photo-identification, we identify individual seals and track their movements over time, providing valuable insights into their ecology and population dynamics.
- Collaboration: Seal Quest collaborates with local communities, research institutions, and conservation organizations to maximize the impact of our research and promote effective conservation strategies.